

The tree died,
they said they thought
they had looked after it well;
isn’t that always the problem!

28 thoughts on “poetry

  1. Pingback: poetry | charles1958

  2. I thought I would drop by and thank you for your recent likes on my poetry and also for following my blog. I am looking forward to reading more of your writings as and when you post them. Paul

  3. I recently took a plant to the nursery up the street to find out what was wrong with it.
    I was trying to take care of it, but its leaves were getting strange brown spots and starting to fall off.
    The “plant” expert took one look at the leaves and said, “It is either getting too much water or not enough.”
    Sigh. 😉

    • Actually many people kill their pot plants by over watering them, and I unfortunately killed one by over watering it. I read a little report in the newspaper that morning, about this couple who put barbed wire around their tree, so tightly that it ultimately killed the tree! Thanks for the comment a,liking and following, best wishes and blessings Charles.

  4. Hi Charles thank you for following my blog inmyopnion.wordpress.com. I loved your 3 line poetry “the tree”, It is indeed such a diaster that over caring and over protectiveness is.

    Had it not been for you, i would never have known your wonderful work. Thank you so much.

    • Hi Asher, pleasure, and you have just pointed out another way at looking at one of my favorite poems(and the only one I can recite from memory), when I wrote the poem I had just read an article about this couple who had wrapped barbed wire around their tree, it had cut into the tree until eventually it had died, and they were surprised! Yes over caring is also a huge problem. Best wishes and blessings Charles.

    • Thanks, I wrote it quite a while ago in 1990 on the Greek island of Kos, but it is still a favorite, and my only poem I know by heart. Best wishes and blessings, Charles.

    • Hi Chantal, liked the clothes, strangely there was no rain in our area ( we really need some rain). I not sure why you can’t get the posts, it might be something that I did, or did not do, as I am still learning how to use a computer, or else my blog has been acting very strange of late, and his maybe another manifestation of that. Best wishes and blessings, Charles.

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