An otter at storms river estuary.

An otter was in my view finder,

but dived below the dappled surface of the water;

I hid behind a grey jaggedy rock,

camera at the ready I slowly arose,

and there was the otter swimming on the surface again.

I got it on my viewer again and he dived,

and I hid, moving to a new position

before slowly coming up,

again it dived, and I hid,

and so it went on for a good twenty minutes,

after which the otter seemed

to be board by the game,

floated on it’s back,

as if laughing at me,

and let me take some photos,

before disappearing up the river estuary.

5 thoughts on “An otter at storms river estuary.

      • What we’ve had a lot of is breeze. Try taking a photo of flowers! Oh my gosh… waiting… waiting. That’s why my husband doesn’t like to go to the gardens with us 🙂

      • It is a problem, as is the problem that animals and nature generally are not still for long. Many people, in their sanitized lives, don’t like to be in nature, or to walk in it. I can see that it might be a problem for others if one waits for the perfect photograph. Maybe there should be family visits, where snap shot are taken, and other time when one goes on ones own, when one would concentrate on photography. Sometimes one can have surprising and very different outcomes when doing things differently.

      • I seriously and sped up when I am with my husband. He does not like photography at all. With the kids, we can slow down to a more relaxed pace. We need to find compromise, I guess. We went up hiking this weekend without the camera. I know it is going to sound strange, but we walked along the path finding many rock specimens. Mostly sedimentary rock. It was amazing to see the different patterns that were created. Rocks are usually not something I would photograph, so it was nice to have my focus somewhere else.

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